Anda akan melakukan menginterview teman Anda, Anda mulai memikirkan bagaimana caranya agar sesi interview tersebut berjalan sama dengan saat Anda menginterview calon karyawan lainnya. Tentu saja, Anda ingin tetap bersikap professional dan Anda juga ingin memisahkan kehidupan kerja dan kehidupan pribadi Anda. Berikut adalah tips-tips yang dapat Anda gunakan.
You will interview your friend. You started to think about how to make the interview session goes well and goes the same as when you are interviewing other future employees. Of course, you want to stay professional and you also want to separate your work life and your personal life. Here are tips that you can use.
Hal pertama yang perlu Anda ingat, tetap bersikap professional. Saat Anda akan menginterview teman Anda, meskipun orang tersebut teman Anda sendiri, Anda harus tetap memperlakukan teman Anda seperti calon karyawan lainnya. Fokuskan diri Anda, jangan sampai sesi interview tersebut melenceng.
The first thing that you need to remember, stay professional. When you are going to interview your friend, even though that person is your own person, you have to treat your friend like any future employee. Focus yourself, do not let the interview session went sideways.
Hal kedua yang perlu Anda ingat, jangan sampai Anda membicarakan hal-hal pribadi atau bergosip saat melakukan sesi interview tersebut. Meskipun hanya ada teman Anda dan Anda di dalam ruangan, bukan berarti tidak ada orang yang dapat mendengarkan pembicaraan Anda. Jangan sampai Anda bergosip dan bukan menginterview teman Anda.
The second thing you need to remember, do not talk about personal things or gossip during the interview session. Even though there are only you and your friend in the room, it does not mean no one will listen to your conversations. Do not gossip instead of interviewing your friend